Categories of United States Visas
for Diplomatic and Non-diplomatic Members of Permanent/Observer
Missions, Their Families and Household Employees
In order to avoid complications on the part of the United States immigration authorities, it is necessary that all members of permanent missions, their families and household employees have correct United States visa status. The appropriate categories of non-immigrant visas are as follows:
(a) G-l status is accorded to diplomatic and non-diplomatic members of missions, representatives of Governments to international organizations recognized by the United States and members of their immediate family;
(b) G-2 status is accorded to temporary members of missions and delegations participating in meetings at United Nations Headquarters and members of their immediate family, as well as unpaid interns and trainees of Permanent Missions;
(c) G-3 status is accorded to members of permanent missions and members of their immediate family whose Governments are not recognized by the United States or whose Governments are not members of the United Nations. G-3 visas are also accorded to representatives of such Governments so as to participate in temporary meetings of designated international organizations;
(d) G-4 status is accorded to members of those observer missions designated as international organizations under the United States International Organizations Immunities Act and members of their immediate family;
(e) G-5 status is accorded to personal employees of G-1, G-2 and G-3 classes and members of their immediate family;
(f) B-1 status is accorded to members of other observer missions.
It should be noted that any status that does not fall under the above-mentioned categories should be referred, through the Protocol and Liaison Service, to the United States Mission to the United Nations for adjustment.
If for any reason the passport of any member of a permanent/observer mission or any of his/her dependants does not contain a visa of an appropriate category or an immigrant visa, the passport, with a valid I-94 form, must be sent prior to the expiration date on the I-94 form, together with a letter signed by the Permanent Representative, to the Protocol and Liaison Service requesting that the necessary adjustment of the visa status be arranged. The Protocol and Liaison Service will forward the request to the United States Mission to the United Nations.
The adjustment of visa status will be reflected on the I-94 form. The procedure takes approximately two to three weeks. The United States Mission to the United Nations will notify missions when the passports can be collected. If the applicant has to travel outside the United States to adjust the visa status, the Permanent Representative should so inform the applicant to apply abroad for the appropriate visa. Once the applicant enters the United States, the permanent/observer mission should notify, through the Protocol and Liaison Service, the United States Mission of the change in status.
Changes in Permanent/Observer Missions
All permanent/observer missions are requested to notify the Protocol and Liaison Service in writing of any changes in the address, telephone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail addresses of their office.
All changes and movements affecting diplomatic and non-diplomatic members of the permanent/ observer missions, such as appointments, promotions, changes of designation, departures and changes of address and telephone number (both official and private) should also be communicated by letter as soon as possible to the Secretary-General through the Protocol and Liaison Service.
Temporary absence of a Permanent Representative/observer from headquarters
Before absenting himself/herself from the mission for any length of time, a Permanent Representative/ Observer is required, in accordance with General Assembly resolution 257 A (III), to notify the Secretary-General, by a letter signed by the Permanent Representative/Observer, of the name of the member of the mission who will perform the duties of head of the mission in the capacity of charg d'affaires a.i. during the absence of the Permanent Representative/observer.
If the charg d'affaires a.i. is not designated in the aforementioned manner, his/her appointment may not figure in any document of the United Nations and he/she will not be accorded the precedence to which he/she would otherwise be entitled in the official functions in which he/she may participate.
Since a charg d'affaires a.i. cannot appoint himself/herself or another charg d'affaires a.i. should there be several consecutive chargs d'affaires a.i during the absence of the Permanent Representative/Observer, their names and the dates of their respective appointments should be communicated to the Secretary-General by the Permanent Representative/Observer before his/her departure. However, if the Permanent Representative/Observer is already away from New York and it is impossible to obtain a letter from him/her, the appointment of a charg d'affaires a.i. should be made by a letter or telegram from the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the country in question to the Secretary-General of the United Nations. The Permanent Representative/ Observer should also notify the Secretary-General of the date of his/her resumption of duties.