Mr. Chairman
My delegation welcomes the Secretary-General's reports under this agenda item and takes note of the recommendations made therein. I congratulate the Special Rapporteur for her presentation on violence against women in reproductive health services.
Mr. Chairman
As we assess our commitments in implementing international treaties and agreements vis-à-vis our achievements in mainstreaming gender equality and empowering women and girls, we must acknowledge that we have not been able to keep up with our commitments.
There is no doubt that we have brought down the number of people living below the poverty line including women, reduced maternal mortality rates, enrolled more girls in schools, made family planning services more accessible, criminalized violence against women, and ensured legal provisions to empower women socially, economically and politically.
However, women and girls still face gender-based violence and discrimination in public and private spaces. This not only hinders women’s holistic growth, but also undermines our achievements made in empowerment of women and girls.
Mr. Chairman
The Constitution of Nepal criminalizes all forms of violence and discrimination against women and girls.
It guarantees equal lineage rights as well as safe motherhood and reproductive health rights of women.
It also requires the State to provide women with special opportunities to education, health, employment and social security on the basis of affirmative action. It guarantees women the equal rights to property as well as the right to participate in all State structures based on the principle of proportional inclusion.
The Constitution has provisions to reserve 33 per cent of seats in the federal and provincial parliaments. It also ensures women’s representation in 40 percent of all political positions in the local level.
As a result, of the total representatives elected in federal, provincial and local level elections held in 2017, 41 per cent were women.
Our development plans, policies and programmes are gender-sensitive. They are focused on eradicating poverty, generating jobs and fighting inequality and discrimination. This has resulted in increased presence of women in politics, civil service and security forces.
Women’s representation in decision-making positions of all three branches - executive, legislative and judiciary - has been significantly increasing.
Mr. Chairman
To conclude, I wish to emphasize that legal provisions can pave a way to that ensure women’s rights and empowerment of women and girls. But, ensuring their effective implementation is all the more critical. Equally important is the need to change the ‘cultural mindset’, which is the major cause of all forms of discrimination against women. Discrimination begins in mind, and therefore it has to end right there.
I thank you.