Mr. Chair,
I would like to begin by thanking you for convening this meeting.
Also, allow me to commend the able leadership that you have provided to the movement for past three years.
I also thank the Coordinating Bureau for providing critical backup support to the movement’s activities and close coordination with member States.
Mr. Chair,
We are living in an uncertain time. Multilateralism which has been defining feature of cooperation among the UN member States for close to 75 years is passing through a state of confusion.
Problems of global scale are sprouting one after another. Climate change is posing existential threat, new waves of arms race, trade wars, and domestic conflicts are resurging.
However, multilateral atmosphere for fostering cooperation among nations to confront those challenges seems to be plagued by mistrust.
Therefore, in time of uncertainty, upholding the principle of sovereignty and political independence has become more important than ever.
Upholding the sovereignty and independence is intrinsic in the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations. It is the responsibility of all member States to abide by those principles.
The UN Charter was devised as the framework for cooperation among the member States. Respect for international law, non-intervention in other's internal affairs, peaceful settlement of international disputes and entering into cooperation within the framework of the United Nations remains the spirit of the Charter.
It is the cardinal duty of all Member States to ensure international peace and security by fostering friendly relations.
Cooperation and coexistence constitute important elements of harmonious world order which can only be achieved if the principle of sovereignty and political independence is upheld by all in good faith.
Non-Aligned Movement was essentially formed in defence of sovereignty and independence of the member States. It was the manifestation of the desire of developing countries to remain insulated from external interference and live with a distinct identity.
Despite many upheavals in international relations since its inception, the NAM and its principles have withstood the test of time. These principles are inspired from the principles and purposes of the UN Charter. Therefore, even when there exists no ‘bipolar world’, NAM as a principle continues as relevant today. This is more so in our quest for safeguarding sovereignty, independence, and security with more focus on sovereign choice, independent and national interest-based approach and desire to avoid polarization and confrontation.
Mr. Chair,
As a founding member, Nepal upholds the ideals and principles of the non-aligned movement as time-tested values for peace and cooperation. It is for this reason that the principles of NAM have found a place as the guiding principles of Nepal’s foreign policy.
Nepal believes that sovereign equality, independence, territorial integrity and non-interference in the internal affairs of States are sacrosanct.
Upholding international law and respecting those values are indispensable for creating a peaceful world where international trade, investment and cooperation can flourish.
I conclude by saying that unity and solidarity among the NAM members is important for their collective wellbeing. This can help safeguard their independence and sovereignty and promote mutual respect, cooperation and coexistence among nations.
I thank you.