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Statement on the High Level Event on Leaving No One Behind: Decriminalization of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Representative of Nepal to the United Nations at the UN LGBTI Core Group High Level Event on Leaving No One Behind: Decriminalization of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

September 22, 2021

New York


Honourable Ministers,

Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates,


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights declares all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.  

 LGBTI persons have every right to enjoy their life in dignity as free and equal.

However, the LGBTI group has become the social stigma in many countries. Their basic rights have been denied and they are mistreated just because of their sexual orientation and gender identity. Homophobic violence and abuse targeting LGBTI people occur on a regular basis. Continuous harassment to this group leads towards isolation, mental health-illness and homelessness.

 We must stop discrimination against the LGBTI people.

 This High-level event is our collective efforts to realize the principle of leaving no one behind by advocating and ensuring the fundamental rights of the LGBTI group.

 The ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic has further exacerbated the plight of the LGBTI people.

 We must ensure equal access to medicine, vaccines and health services for the vulnerable and minority groups including the LGBTI persons.


The Constitution of Nepal guarantees equal rights to sexual minorities and ensures that no one is discriminated based on their sexual orientation and gender identity. In the spirit of the Constitution, the government of Nepal issues citizenship and passports to sexual minorities under the gender category ‘other’.

 In one of the local festivals every year in August, LGBTI community organizes a ‘pride parade’ to celebrate their identity.

The Constitution of Nepal ensures dignity of every individual regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, language, geographical area, and sexual orientation.

 Nepal, as a member of the Core Group, appreciates the efforts of the UN LGBTI Core Group for taking the lead in multilateral negotiations in and outside the United Nations to protect the rights of this group.

 However, more needs to be done.

 Harassment, mistreatment and stigmatization of the LGBTI persons must strictly be punished.

 In conclusion, human civilizations must end discrimination based on gender and sexual orientation. Let us unite and march together to protect the dignity and rights of LBGTI people everywhere in the world.

 I thank you.