Statement by Foreign Secretary of Nepal H.E. Bharat Raj Paudyal
at the Ministerial Meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement
New York, 21 September 2022
Theme: Role for the NAM in Post-Pandemic Global Recovery: The Way Forward
Mr. Chairman,
Honorable Ministers,
Excellencies, and
Distinguished Delegates
Let me begin by thanking you, Mr. Chairman, and through you the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan, for convening this Ministerial Meeting of the Movement.
We commend the leadership of the Republic of Serbia for hosting, in Belgrade last year, the High-Level Commemorative Meeting to mark the 60th anniversary of the first conference of NAM.
Mr. Chairman,
Even if the pandemic curve seems to have flattened in some countries these days, its impact is sure to remain for quite some time. Inequalities keep rising. With diminishing resources for recovery, rising poverty, and mounting debt, the impact on poorer countries is becoming more acute.
The World Bank predicts that the global growth will further slowdown in 2023. While a very few countries may be ‘flying high’, the developing and poorer countries may face the risk of ‘hard landing’ with limited fiscal space coupled with persistent supply-chain bottlenecks and inflationary pressures.
Furthermore, severe debt-distress, eroding purchasing power and depleting foreign currency reserves have already pushed many small economies to the brink of financial crisis.
Against this context, in today’s interdependent yet fractious world, values of rules-based international order, peaceful co-existence, and justice, upheld so profoundly by NAM, have become more important.
As we chart out the post-pandemic pathways, NAM must rekindle hope and reignite imagination. It must aim at enhancing robust cooperation, focus on uplifting lives and livelihoods, and contribute to creating equal opportunities for all.
It is urgent that NAM strive for the reform of the global financial governance system, primarily making international financial institutions more democratic, inclusive, and efficient. These institutions must ensure resource availability to developing and poor countries for their recovery from the pandemic and accelerated economic development.
NAM membership has a common aspiration of development. So it needs to make utmost efforts in drawing the global attention towards the achievement of SDGs.
We should utilize our unity and strength to win a common battle against the pandemic and build a sustainable and resilient future for all. We must also channelize the global momentum, money, and minds towards ensuring climate action.
Trust deficit among great powers has led to geopolitical polarization, arm race and aggression. Continued stalemate in the UN disarmament regime, including the recent NPT review conference is worrisome.
NAM should continue emphasizing on the unconditional fulfillment of disarmament obligations, particularly on the weapons of mass destruction. Humanity doesn’t deserve to be a hostage to the stockpile of such catastrophic weapons.
Not weapons, but the primacy of peaceful diplomacy should prevail.
As one of the founding members of the Movement, Nepal places unwavering faith in the timeless principles of NAM. These principles are enshrined in our constitution as fundamentals of our foreign policy.
NAM should prove its relevance by being an unrelenting force to address the divide between the North and the South. It must continue to promote the sovereign equality and political independence of member states, and champion advocacy for a just and equitable world where developing countries will be able to ensure dignified life to their people.
In our journey ahead, we must navigate through evolving global challenges with renewed vigor, unity, and collaboration to re-emerge stronger than before. Nepal remains committed to making NAM’s concerns loud and clear; and to realizing our common aspirations of peace and prosperity.
Thank you!