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Statement to be delivered by H.E. Amrit Bahadur Rai, Ambassador/Permanent Representative of Nepal to the United Nations at 74th Session of the United Nations General Assembly at Third Committee on Agenda Item 72: Promotion and Protection of Human Rights

Friday, 18 October 2019
H.E. Mr. Amrit Bahadur Rai
New York

Mr. Chairman,

My delegation expresses sincere gratitude to the Secretary-General for coming up with comprehensive reports under the Agenda item.

Nepal is fully committed to the protection and promotion of human rights and rule of law.  We have adopted a wide range of legislative, institutional, policy and administrative measures to fulfill our national and international human rights obligations.

The Constitution of Nepal, promulgated by the elected Constituent Assembly in 2015, is founded on universally recognized human rights, fundamental freedoms and other principles such as inclusion, equality and non-discrimination.

Mr. Chairman, 

Nepal is a multi-ethnic, multilingual, multireligious and multicultural state. Our constitution embodies those characters and guarantees that every society receive fair share of representation in all spheres of national life, including politics, governance, health, education, employment and social security.

Our independent and impartial judiciary system has remained a custodian of human rights and fundamental freedoms and has delivered landmark verdicts in protection of human rights and freedom.

Nepal’s commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights is reflected in our accession to several international human rights instruments. Nepal is a state party to 24 international human rights-related conventions/protocols, including seven of the nine core international human rights instruments.

Mr. Chair,

Our National Human Rights Commission is a constitutional body which is an independent and autonomous and mandated to ensure protection and promotion of human rights.

We have six other independent constitutional commissions empowered to work for promotion and protection of the rights, interests and well-being of women, Dalit, indigenous nationalities, Madheshi, Tharu and Muslim communities.

We have remained constructively engaged with the UN human rights mechanisms and fulfilled our reporting obligations. Last year alone, three periodic reports of Nepal under CRPD, CERD and CEDAW were considered by the respective treaty bodies.

Mr. Chair,

As a member of the Human Rights Council for the period 2018-2020, Nepal will continue to play an effective role in the Council for the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms in a fair and equitable manner. To contribute more, Nepal has already presented its candidacy for reelection for the period of 2021-2023. We are grateful to all member states for their trust and confidence on Nepal.

Nepal will continue to extend its support to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in the fulfillment of its mandates.

Nepal is one of the first countries to prepare and implement comprehensive national human rights action plan since 2004. This effort has contributed to mainstreaming human rights issues in the national development policies and plans. Nepal is mainstreaming SDGs into its development plans towards the realization of peoples’ aspirations, including those related to the promotion and protection of human rights.

In conclusion, Mr. Chair, my delegation reiterates our unwavering commitment to the protection and promotion of human rights. We hold the view that development, democracy and respect for human rights are interdependent and mutually reinforcing. Nepal strives to advance these three aspects in a balanced manner.

I thank you!