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Remarks by Mr. Ghanshyam Bhandari, Deputy Permanent Representative, at the Ambassadorial Meeting of the Peacebuilding Commission on 2020 Review of the Peacebuilding Architecture

Thursday, 20 February 2020
Mr. Ghanshyam Bhandari
New York

Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for giving me the floor.

I also thank you for convening this meeting to deliberate on the possible recommendations on ‘Effective Support in UN Transition Contexts’ to feed inputs into the 2020 Review  of the Peacebuilding Architecture.

Mr. Chairman,

The present-day conflicts have multidimensional characteristics. Political fragility, economic stagnation, social inequalityhuman rights violations, and poverty are some of the by-products of conflicts. Therefore, the prevention and resolution of conflicts necessitate multidimensional approaches supported by multiple actors.

Needless to say that the national Governments are the main actors in peacebuilding and sustaining peace as well as in including transition management. Nepal’s own experience also confirms that a transition owned and led by the national government with the required support from the international community can lead tostable and peaceful society.

Against this context, I would like to highlight fivemajor points:

First, the major priority of the international community including the United Nations must be to support the national governments in developing the capacity of the state institutions. Only strong and stable state institutions can better complement the overall efforts of building and sustaining peace.

Second, the participation of national stakeholders including women, youth, civil society and the private sector in crucial stages of transition management is equally critical.

Third, fragmentation and duplication of efforts are the challenges for effective peacebuilding and transition processesAligning the international efforts in line with the national ones and ensuring coherence and complementarity among different actors in supporting the national plans and policies is also important. It is only through such coherence that we can achieve tripleobjectives of attaining sustainable development, ensuring human rights, and promoting peacebuilding and sustaining peace.

Fourth, the UN and its agencies should adopt the whole-of-system approach to harmonize the efforts for effectively addressing the issues in the peace and conflict continuum. The mandates and activities of the United Nations country teams should be aligned and made specific as per the needs of the transition contexts.

Fifth and the last, Mr. Chairman, the convening power and advisory role of the Peacebuilding Commissionhave been effective in enhancing coherence among the principal organs of the UN and ensuring appropriate support measures for peacebuilding. Therefore, the UNsystemin particular the Security Council, shouldfuther harness the advisory role of PBC whileformulating strategies with regard to transition contexts.

I thank you.