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Press Release- LLDCs Ministerial Meeting

Thursday, 23 September 2021

Press Release


Foreign Secretary Mr. Bharat Raj Paudyal addressed the 20th Annual Ministerial Meeting of Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) held virtually on the margins of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly today.

In his address, Foreign Secretary highlighted the pre-existing challenges of LLDCs such as excessive reliance on transit countries, low productive capacity, and poor connectivity compounded by the unprecedented impacts of the COVID-19 and climate change and called for an enhanced level of international support measures in the form of ODA, FDI, aid for trade and technology transfer.

While highlighting Nepal’s vision to transform the country from a ‘landlocked’ to a ‘land-linked’, he stressed the need for a scaled-up and renewed partnership between LLDCs, transit countries and development partners.

He said that greater efforts will be necessary to recover from the pandemic and rally on a growth path. We must enhance productive capacity, diversify the economy, build sustainable and resilient infrastructures, and upgrade connectivity to regional and global markets, he added.

We can change our destiny of being ‘prisoners of geography’ to ‘pioneers of prosperity’, all we need is a strong solidarity and cooperation among ourselves and greater support from our transit countries and development partners, he emphasized.

The Meeting adopted a Ministerial Declaration at its conclusion.


Permanent Mission of Nepal to the United Nations                      

New York

23 September 2021