Mr. Chairman,
My delegation associates itself with the previous statements made on behalf of the Group of 77 and China and the Alliance of Small Island States.
Mr. Chairman,
We are pleased that CSD 12, under your able leadership, has convened the Small Island Developing States Preparatory Meeting for the ten-year review of the Barbados Programme of Action, culminating in the International Meeting to be held in Mauritius later this year. We consider this an important step towards reinvigorating support for the implementation of the BPOA for the sustainable development of SIDS, including my own country the Republic of the Marshall Islands. Through our own national efforts we have developed the Marshall Islands “Vision 2018” as our guide to formulating national sustainable development strategies, based on the ideals of the BPOA and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation.
My Government fully supports the review process and we earnestly hope that with the support of our development partners and the international community, the Mauritius meeting will produce the necessary impetus required to achieve the sustainable development of SIDS.
Mr. Chairman,
Over the last 10 years, we have faced many challenges that have greatly hindered the implementation of the BPOA. For example, our vulnerabilities to climate change have increased while our ability to cope and build resilience has not kept pace. New and emerging issues will further constrain our efforts to implement the BPOA, if not effectively addressed. We therefore seek the understanding and support of our development partners in addressing the challenges that have emerged over the last decade.
The full implementation of the BPOA requires the strengthening of the partnership between SIDS and the international community and the fulfillment of the commitments made by the international community to assist SIDS with their national efforts towards sustainable development.
The current draft G77 Strategy that was the subject of negotiation during the SIDS Prepcom includes those crosscutting issues of crucial importance to us as a means for implementing the BPOA. We hope these issues are given adequate attention in the outcome document from Mauritius.
Finally, Mr. Chairman, I wish to express our appreciation to the international community for their contributions to assist SIDS participation in the preparatory meetings and the Mauritius Meeting.