Embassy of the Republic of the Marshall Islands - Fiji
RMI Embassy
41 Borron Road
P.O. Box 2038
Suva, Fiji Islands
Tel: (679) 338-7899/7821
Fax: (679) 338-7115
Email: rmisuva@sopacsun.sopac.org.fj
Embassy of the Republic of the Marshall Islands - Japan
Ambassador Jiba B. Kabua: ambassador@rmiembassyjp.org
Deputy Chief of Mission Alfred Alfred, Jr.: alfred@rmiembassyjp.org
Mrs. Barbara Alfred: barbaradebrum@hotmail.com
RMI Embassy
Meiji Park Heights, Rm #101
9-9, Minamimoto-machi
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Tel: (813) 5379-1701/1702
Fax: (813) 5378-1810
Email: rmito@din.or.jp
Embassy of the Republic of the Marshall Islands - Taiwan, Republic of China
Ambassador Phillip Kabua
RMI Embassy
4 Fl. No. 9-1 Lane 62 Tienmou West Road
Shihlin Taipei, Taiwan
Tel: (886) 2-2873-4884
Fax: (886) 2-2873-4904
Email: rmiembtp@ms41.hinet.net
Embassy of the Republic of the Marshall Islands - United States
Ambassador Charles R. Paul
RMI Embassy
2433 Massachusetts Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20008
Tel: (202) 234-5414
Fax: (202) 232-3236
Email: info@rmiembassyus.org
Website: http://www.rmiembassyus.org
Consulate General of the Republic of the Marshall Islands - Honolulu
Consul General Phillip Anungar
Mrs. Glora Heine
RMI Consulate General
1888 Lusitana Street, Suite#301
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Tel: (808) 545-7767
Fax: (808) 545-7211
Email: rmi.consulate@hawaiiantel.net
Website: http://www.rmiembassyus.org
RMI Representative to USAKA Noda Lojkar: noda.lojkar1@us.army.mil
RMI Liaison Office – USAKA
P.O. Box 1748
APO AP 96555
Tel: (1) 329-3111
Fax: (1) 329-3111
Marshall Islands Referral Office (Ministry of Health)
Justin Lani
1888 Lusitana Street #201
Honolulu, HI 96813
Tel: (808) 524-6455
Fax: (808) 524-6499
Ambassador-at-Large: Ambassador Tom D. Kijner
Foreign Missions in the Marshall Islands
Embassy of the United States of America
Ambassador Clyde Bishop
Tel: (692) 247-4011
Fax: (692) 247-4012
Email: publicmajuro@state.gov
Website: http://www.state.gov
Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
Ambassador Bruce J.D. Linghu
P.O. Box 1229
Majuro, MH 96960
Tel: (692) 247-4141
Fax: (692) 247-4143
Email: eoroc@ntamar.net
Website: http://www.mofa.gov.tw
Embassy of Japan
Charge de Affairs
P.O. Box 300
Majuro, MH 96960
Tel: (692) 247-7463
Fax: (692) 247-7493
Email: royoji@ntamar.net
Philippines Consulate
Consul General Dr. Alexander Pinhano
Israel Consulate
Consul Charles Domnick
P.O. Box 153
Majuro, MH 96960
Tel: (692) 625-3680
Fax: (692) 625-3344
Email: darsales@ntamar.net
Honorary Consulate
Mr. Ran Rahav
Honory Consulate of the Marshall Islands in Israel
The Museum Tower, 4 Berkovich st. Tel Aviv 64238
Tel: +972-3-7188555
Fax: +972-3-7188556
Email: ranrahav@honorary-consulate-of-the-marshall-islands-in-israel.org.il
Website: http://honorary-consulate-of-the-marshall-islands-in-israel.org.il/english/index.htm