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Statement by Mr. Mduduzi Kieth Kenneth Mbingo-Charge d' Affaires, a.i. The Thematic Debate of the First Committee: on Conventional Weapons

Wednesday, 13 October 2021
Statement by Mr. Mduduzi Kieth Kenneth Mbingo-Charge d' Affaires, a.i.
76 UNGA 1st Committee- UNHQ New York

Eswatini associates itself with the statement made by Indonesia and Ghana on behalf of NAM and the African group respectively.

The illicit trade, transfer, and circulation of Small Arms and Light Weapons, including their excessive accumulation and uncontrolled spread in many parts of the world, remains an issue of serious concern not only to Eswatini but globally. Hence, Eswatini attaches great importance to the central role of the United Nations Programme of Work (UN PoA) and International Tracing Instrument (ITI) as crucial multilateral instruments dedicated to fighting the illicit flow of Small Arms and Light Weapons and tackling their multifaceted effects, which pose a threat to international peace and security.

Eswatini recognizes the extensive work done towards addressing illicit trade in SALWs including the Bamako Declaration (2000), the AU Constitutive Act, the Protocol on the Establishment of the Peace and Security Council of the AU (2002), the SADC Protocol (2004), the African Union Agenda 2063, the Initiative of Silencing the Guns in Africa, and other sub-regional initiatives.


Mr. Chairman,

Eswatini, wishes to call on all States to fulfill their obligations regarding reporting, technological transfer, and ensuring the unhindered flow of international cooperation and assistance as mandated by the UN.

Eswatini also, urges Member States of the UN from developed economies to render more technical and financial assistance to developing countries like Eswatini, in the realization of the overall objectives of the UN PoA and the ITI, with a view to eradicating the illicit trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons, as Eswatini believes such efforts will promote National and Regional initiatives and assist efforts at the global level.

The Group acknowledges the efforts by States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) since its entry into force, as well as the sixth Conference of States Parties held in Geneva, in August 2021.  The Group urges States Parties to the Treaty to implement the treaty in a balanced and objective manner, one that protects the interests of all States and not just the major international producing and exporting States, in addition to avoiding any infringement on the legitimate right of States to satisfy their National Security and self-defense needs in accordance with the UN Charter.


Mr. Chairman,

Eswatini reaffirms the sovereign right of States to acquire, manufacture, export, import and retains conventional arms, their parts and components for their self-defenses and security needs in accordance with the UN Charter.

Finally, Eswatini, stresses that Arms transfers to unauthorized recipients, fuels conflicts and illicit trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons and urges all States to refrain from and prohibit Arms transfer to any recipient without the authorization of the competent National Authorities of the importing States.


I thank you Mr. Chair.